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Can Dogs Eat Pineapples?

Can dogs eat pineapples? Yes, they can. Pineapples are one of the favorite fruits of human beings, but we can feed them also to our canine friends. However, it must be fed in moderation because the high sugar content can harm your dog. Pineapples contain vitamin C, vitamin B6, minerals, bromelain, fibre, folate, niacin, thiamin, copper, zinc, etc. All these minerals and nutrients contribute to boosting the dog’s immune and digestive systems and skin health.

Do’s and don’ts

1) Only feed the pineapple flesh to your dog. Never feed the pineapple skin or the core as it is hard to chew, difficult to swallow, and can choke your pooch. Also, do not feed the pineapple leaves as they can be poisonous to the animal.

2) Avoid canned pineapple because it contains sugar syrup that can harm your dog especially if it is a diabetic.

3) Your dog’s pineapple diet should be approx 10% of the total diet. Remember, pineapples are rich in sugar and too much sugar will harm your pet—it can cause tooth decay, diabetes, and obesity. Never make pineapples your dog’s main diet. It should just be a supplement (a snack) given from time to time (not regularly).

4) Take care of the size of the pineapple slices. Smaller dogs cannot swallow very big slices.

5) Watch your dog the first few times you feed it a pineapple. If you observe signs of indigestion, diarrhoea, etc., stop feeding it pineapples.

6)  It is okay to feed fresh or frozen pineapples to dogs but do not give dried pineapples as they have higher sugar content.

7) Do not give your dog pineapple juice, especially canned ones. Pineapple should be served in its raw form.

Because of dietary or behavioral reasons, some dogs eat their own poop (this is known as coprophagia) and it is believed that pineapples prevent this behavior. This is not true, so pineapples will not stop your dog from eating its own poop. If your dog suffers from coprophagia, seek professional help.

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Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

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