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Preventing Heat Stroke in Dogs in Summer

Preventing heat stroke in dogs is a necessity for dog owners. Heat stroke in dogs in fairly common in summers. The hot weather causes heat stroke in dogs. In summer, dogs have poor appetite, show restlessness and other symptoms because of the hot weather.

Severe heatstroke can lead to death! Therefore, keeping dogs cool in summer is essential for dog owners. Following are the tips for preventing heat stroke in dogs.

1. Give more water

Some people advocate bathing dog more often. This is extremely absurd. It is well known that dogs do not have so much sweat glands. Their most effective way to dissipate heat is the tongue and gasp. It is futile to bathe them.

And drinking plenty of water can speed up the metabolism of dogs and reduce body temperature, which is always effective !

2. More heat dissipation equipment to the dog house

You can buy a pet ice cushion and/or a dog cooling mat. If not, there is a simpler method. You can put a towel soaked in frozen mineral water and put it into the dog kennel. Heat dissipation can reduce the temperature in the dog kennel. Also the dog cooling mat is well suited to the dog bed.

3. Prepare a place for dogs to play in water.

Give the dog a “wet” place. If you have a yard, you can give the dog a place to “wade” or “get wet” so that the dog can jump in and play in the water. If it’s a small swimming pool it is okay. Just remember that there is no need for a deep swimming pool. It’s perfect if the dog is able to keep its head above the water and is able to stand straight.

4. Keep dogs in the balcony or room on the north, try to keep dog in natural wind.

Some people keep their dogs in air-conditioned rooms. In fact, pets also get diseased due to air-conditioning. And we DON`T suggest air conditioners for dogs except when it is very hot. Please try to place them in the natural surroundings as much as possible.

5. Walking the dog in the morning and evening

Stop going out at noon. Go out either in the morning or evening, when the temperature is relatively low. If it’s hot and dry all day, it’s better not to go out all day. Choose a shady place to walk the dog, so you won’t suffer too much also. It is great to walk them besides a river or lake.Be sure to have a dog leash, not only can prevent the dog lost, but also can effectively control the behavior of the dog, to prevent them from being too exciting. Better to walk on the grass, do not let dogs step on the hot road, which will hurt their paws. You can check the temperature on the road surface with your hands.

6. Trim the dog’s hair properly, do not shave it all.

This is very important. It is necessary to shave dogs properly, if the dog’s hair is thick and dense. However it should be noted that some dogs’ hair takes a long time to grow back. Not all dogs have to shave unconditionally. Hair can protect dogs. The skin loses the protection is more vulnerable to sunshine and trauma in case of some accident.

So trim your dog’s hair but do not shave off all hair on your dog’s body in summer.

7. Don’t lock your dog in the car alone.

Don’t lock the dog in the car unless you want to kill him. It is said that it is illegal to lock a dog in a car alone in California in summer.

In the confined car, the temperature rises sharply, which can easily kill the dog. If you leave your dog in the car alone, I bet that your car glass will probably be smashed by passers-by. If you leave for a minute or two, remember to open the window, or the air conditioner, leave dogs with water, and come back ASAP.

Dogs are furry animals and are very averse to heat. Therefore, dog owners must be vigilant in summer. Severe breathing, slow walking, dizziness, loss of will and so on are main symptoms of heat stroke.

If you find any dog in trouble due to heat, please cool it immediately and see a vet in case the condition is bad.

And hope you all have a good time in summer !

The above article is by the Sales Manager at 
LEPET Pet Supply Factory

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