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Behavioral Problems in Dogs

Behavioral problems in dogs? I have been asked on many occasions why dogs have behavioral problems.

Although it appears to be a simple question, things do not always have a simplistic answer. I have managed to isolate the main culprits that are responsible for behavioral problems in dogs. This behavioral epidemic affects so many of our dogs.

Lack of knowledge, and a lack of research into to the requirements of the chosen breed, plus the fear stories we get from vets and forums all play a part

FEAR OF INFECTIONS AND DISEASE: The fear of disease or infections has led breeders and owners alike to make the tragic mistake of keeping their puppies isolated until they have completed their vaccinations.

By taking this stance they risk ending up with fearful dogs that often become aggressive or have serious behavioural problems in later life. It does not have to b like that as long as you know what you have to do to make sure your pups and dogs have the very best start in life. 

LACK OF EARLY SOCIALIZATION: I am sure you have heard this term before but what does it really mean? There are two vital aspects that shape all mammals including humans, that is Nature and Nurture. One is related to genetics (Nature) which includes drive and instinct, the other means a learned aspect of behavior (Nurture)

Early socialization falls within the nurture part of the equation. That above all else is one of the main reasons for aggression and fear and timidity. I see many dogs with fear-based aggression and reactivity that can be aimed at other dogs or humans.

It may surprise some people that dog aggression is primarily fear-based and that it has most of its roots in a lack of early socialisation. The critical primary periods to make sure that your dog’s behaviour is acceptable is in the first 16 weeks of your dog’s life, therefore, the breeder also has a large impact on the outcome of the puppies in their care.

a) Human Socialization Period: The first important period is 0 to 12 weeks.

The breeder should invite lots of people to come and handle the puppies, right up until they go to the new owner. I bred a litter of puppies in 2017 working cocker spaniels and we had over 400 visits from practically everyone we knew. including children pensioners and other dogs. 

It is critically important that the new owner make sure that at least a hundred people handle the puppy in a positive gentle way before the pup is 12 weeks of age. Take it around your local café or pub, go outside the school gates and let children treat and stroke the puppy. Older people must also be introduced and strange environments, car journeys, traffic, noisy high streets other animals and literally everyday life. That should make the dog bombproof with people and various places.

Of course, if the puppy is taken home and if it is nervous or fearful from day one, then they may be a genetic problem that may stem from the sire or dam, It is rarer though in some cases, fear and timidity can be passed on by just the male as it is the mother (dam) that interacts the most with the puppies.

If the breeder has kept the puppies from all contact with people and other animals, then you must work very hard to overcome that lack of contact before the all-important 12 weeks have elapsed.

b) Canine Socialization Period: This is the second part of the vitally important periods and is related to how the puppies and dogs relate to other dogs. The time frame for this is 0 to 16 weeks. People are often frightened to mix their dogs for fear of infections. Yet any puppy can mix with any other dog that has been vaccinated from week three of its life.

Puppies learn the all-important body language and communication skill and bite inhibition by playing with other puppies rather than adult dogs. Adult dogs do not play that rough and tumble games that pups play. Puppy classes are therefore vitally important to canine socialization and should be booked before you even get the puppy home.

c) Other Critical Periods: Though I have listed the human and canine socialization periods that does not mean that there are no other important and vital periods. For instance, there’s the first fear period, that starts at 5 weeks and peaks between 8 and 10.5 weeks.

Any fearful or frightening episode during this period will have a more profound effect than at any other time in your dog’s life.

SCARY SOUNDS: One of the most important lessons you as the new owner must learn, is to never comfort a frightened dog. Sympathy and comfort to a dog is not reassurance it is reinforcement, the exact opposite of how humans see comfort,

If your dog is startled or fearful of something and you follow your natural instincts which are to comfort and sympathize, then you will enhance the fear and increase the startle response. This is especially important when it comes to sounds like fireworks, gunshots, thunder and traffic noises.

That is one of the reasons I created a high-quality training and behavioral sound desensitization CD for dogs and puppies. This helps puppies and well as adult dogs. If young pups are gently desensitized at a very early age then they often do not get these problems later on in life. 

My sound desensitisation program has been used successfully for years to combat sound phobias in dogs.

OTHER REASONS FOR BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS IN DOGS: Of course there are many other reasons behavioral problems occur. These include dog food, especially ones with lots of Es, artificial flavors and colorants.

A lack of essential vitamins and minerals is also one of the causes of behavioral problems in dogs and this is where supplements can help. Neutering is also a major player in negatively affecting behavioral and medical problems in dogs, other than the all-important early socialization it is probably one of the commonest reasons for behavioral, aggression fear and timidity and health problems in dogs today.

The above article is by Stan Rawlinson who is a professional dog behavioral expert and his website is

Image by freegr from Pixabay

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