You are currently viewing 20 Amazing facts about Dogs

20 Amazing facts about Dogs

Here are twenty amazing facts about dogs:

1) Bosco, a black labrador became the honorary mayor of a town called Sunoi in California in 1981. He defeated two humans to win the election.

2) Bill Irwin was a blind hiker who was assisted by his guide dog named Orient (a German Shepherd) in covering the entire 2143 mile (3449 kms.) Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine.

3) Newfoundland dogs make the best lifeguards among all dogs. This is because they have webbed feet and can swim in very cold water. In 1919 one Newfoundland dog saved 20 sailors by dragging their lifeboat to safety. These dogs also make excellent baby sitters.

4) Basenji is a dog breed that cannot bark but only yodel. This breed originated in Central Africa and is one of the oldest of all dog breeds.

5) The oldest dog breed in the world is Saluki.

6) It costs approx. 60000 USD to train a US Navy Seal dog.

7) Tillman was an English Bulldog who in 2009 set a Guinness World Record for the fastest 100 m on a skateboard by a dog. Tillman record was slightly bettered in2013 by another dog named Jumpy.he

8) Dogs have been trained to get money out of ATM’s.

9) The Alaskan Malamute can withstand temperatures upto -56°C.

10) A toy fox terrier disappeared from his family in Florida in 2007 and was found in 2019 almost 1000 miles away in Pittsburgh. It was because of his microchip that his owners were traced.

11) A Jack Russell was poisoned and buried in France. However, he survived because a passerby saw the ground wiggle due to convulsions caused by poisoning and promptly dug him up and called the fire fighters who took him to the vet.

12) Dogs known as ‘Draught Dogs’ were used to transport vegetables, milk and other items of daily necessity in wooden carts (dogcarts) during World War 1.

13) In Switzerland, dogs were used to transport milk to remote areas.

14) Stray dogs in Russia have learned how to ride the subway Metro and get down at specific stations to search for food.

15) Dogs do not sweat but pant in order to cool themselves.

16) A dog’s nose print is unique just like a human’s fingerprint.

17) Dogs can get very jealous if they see their owner displaying affection for another creature.

18) Both Wolves and Dogs have 42 teeth.

19) Dogs do have a sense of time and can predict regularly happening events.

20) An Australian cattle dog named Bluey is the oldest dog to have ever lived. He lived for 29 years and 5 months from 1910 to 1939.

More amazing facts about dogs will follow.

Article Author: Manish Jaitly

Great Dogs Books

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

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  1. Manish Jaitly

    thank you!

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